2007년 7월 31일 화요일
Aging Society in Canada
Research Paper
Many old people are increasing in the world. Not only is population growth slowing, but also the age structure of the population is changing, with the share of the young falling and that of the elderly rising. Canada is one of the countries that have this problem. According to “Aging and the Canadian Population” (n.d.), “A Canadian born in 1960, for example, can expect to live 20 years longer than a Canadian who was born in 1900. Meanwhile birth rates have declined, so that a growing proportion of the population is over 65. By the year 2031, approximately 20% of Canada's population - one in five - will be seniors. This fact has important consequences for Canadian society. Who are these older Canadians? What are their roles in society? What are their needs? How will they be taken care of?” (para. 2). The Canada’s government should carefully consider what to do for old people of the future. There are four specific actions they should take. First, Canada should increase medical benefits for old people. Next, Canada should make good places for old people. Third, Canada should offer a regular occupation for old people. Finally, there should be a limit on the support government offers seniors. In fact, this age structure plays an important role because we can know a lot of information from the age structure about cultural, political, and economic.
Canadian age structure “provides the distribution of the population according to age. Information is included by sex and age group (0-14 years, 15-64 years, 65 years and over)” (CIA World Factbook, 2007, para. 2). The problem is “one in seven Canadians was 65 or older, and the number of people reaching retirement was at a record high” (Ljunggren, 2007, para. 2). According to “Age structure of the population” (2006), we can know how to move the age structure from 1961 to 2005. In Canada, 6.7 percent of people were over 64 in 1961, 8 percent in 1970, 9.4 percent in 1980, 11.30 percent in 1990, 12.6 percent in 2000, and 13.1 percent in 2005. This seems that old people are increasing little by little. In an aging society, there are many problems. “With the high cost of living, it does become increasingly difficult to maintain a decent lifestyle, despite government aid, if one does not plan ahead. These additional expenses may cause hardships for seniors who live on a limited monthly income” (Vassallo, 2000, para. 8). However, there is a disagreement about this problem. Some people say that the fact that there are many old people proves that the society is a developed country. “To determine the impact of the aging boomers, let’s begin with the health care system. According to many health economists, the annual increase in health care costs caused by the aging of the population will range from 1 to 2 %, which they deem “manageable”” (Gleberzon and Cutler, 2007, para. 5).
First, the Canadian government should give old people a medical benefit. The Canadian government will try to increase educational programs and training for physicians because of better treatment. According to Vassallo (2000), “The Canadian government fully supports further research into the causes and treatment of related diseases and illness. These challenges continue to be met as indicators show decreases in incidence rates of chronic diseases among seniors, and increases in early detection and additional health care resources” (para. 3). The government offers little free treatment for old people because over 65-year-old people get bodily illness easily. In addition, old people have to receive a periodic medical check-up. There are a lot of differences between people in their late sixties and people in their twenties. Old people particularly are subject to disease. Old people also have a slower recovery than young people, so a periodic medical check-up is important for old people. Moreover, the government receives low insurance value from old people. Some governments will carry out this plan. “Another government program that is going to suffer the effects of the aging baby-boomer population is federal payments to seniors, including the venerable ‘old-age pension’ and the guaranteed income supplement for lower-income seniors. With 13% of the population now 65 or older, the federal government expects to spend $31 billion in payments to seniors in 2006” (Fortin, 2006, para. 6). Therefore, Canada has to try to improve a medical benefit for old people.
Secondly, the Canadian government should make more welfare facilities for old people. The government makes some rooms that old people spend time in or take a break in. This is like a hall for the aged, an academy for the aged. The government has to make these buildings for old people because there are many old people who stay at home wasting time. Then, old people can learn something that they need in their life at an academy and meet other people in a hall for the aged. The government also helps old people who do not move alone. If people take on years, they will get illness or become weak their body easily. They need to be helped by someone, so the government should think about voluntary service that helps old people. Next, the government has to improve nursing home care. A welfare facility should operate for humane treatment of old people from a standpoint of the care. “The challenge in providing services for Canada's growing population of older citizens, whether in the field of housing, traditional medical services or community social services, is to meet those needs through the widest range of options” (Aging and the Canadian Population, n.d.). Therefore, the government should provide diverse and useful opportunities to old people for social participation.
Third, the Canadian government should give old people a regular occupation after they are retrained for skilled positions. Canada has the highest rate of retirement. According to Ljunggren (2007), “The central statistics agency, releasing the results of a 2006 census, said about one in seven Canadians was 65 or older, and the number of people reaching retirement was at a record high” (para. 2). The high rate of retirement means that there are a lot of old people. Although, old people have some sources of income, they may be temporary. “Seniors have four possible sources of income: government transfers, private retirement plans, employment earnings and the wealth they have accumulated over their lifetime. With the benefits of Registered Retirement Savings Plan paying off for those investors, the proportion of low-income seniors has declined significantly in the last 15 years, from 34% in 1980 to 19% in 1990” (Vassallo, 2000, para. 4). On the other hand, if old people get a job after they are retrained for skilled positions, perhaps young people will shrink the burden for tax or the cost of living that young people give their parents money. Old people can help the government economically. "Population projections show that in about 10 years, Canada may have more people at the age where they can leave the labor force than at the age where they can begin working. This presents considerable challenges for Canadian employers and for society in general" (Ljunggren, 2007, para. 4). In addition, the government can shrink the pension system. For example, if old people continue to work after they are over 65-years-old, the government does not have to worry about pension system. It means that the government can get two benefits because there are many workers, and this makes economic growth. Therefore, Canada has to make a regular occupation for seniors.
Some people say that there should be a limit on the support government offers seniors, because a lot of money should be spent for old people. In addition, young people who have jobs have to spend a lot of business hours earning money because the government uses one part of this money for old people. If the government continually provides great advantage to seniors, it may bring bad situations from young people. One of the effects is that young people can get a heavy burden from their parents, because their parents who are at least over 60 years old live in retirement. For example, there are young couples that get married. They live in a house including their parents. They have jobs and earn enough money, but they spend at least one-third of the money for their parents. They should also pay tax. Then, they keep some money but they cannot live in comfort. On the other hand, there are two solutions to this problem. The government should receive daily installment payments for old people and for the care of old people. Another solution is that when people are young people, they should save money or something for their golden years. This way can reduce the burden of young people as well as the burden of the government for the increase of aging society. Therefore, the government should consider whether these would be worthwhile for old people.
In conclusion, like this, Canada’s aging society grows quickly because of the low birth rate and high average length of life. According to Ljunggren (2007), “The life expectancy of Canadians is 82.5 years for women and 77.7 years for men” (para. 13). There are many disadvantages, more than advantages, in the increase of old people. The more old people increase, the sooner Canadian society will come to a crisis economically, and the worse it will be. We can know how many old people increase in Canada. From 1961 to 2005, Canada’s age structure has undergone a lot of change. The percentages of young people who are under 18 years old show 38.90 percent in 1961. In addition, the percentages of old people who are over 64 years old show 7.60 percent in 1961. However, the percentages of young people who are under 18 years old show 21.60 percent in 2005. The percentages of the old people who are over 64 years old show 13.10 percent in 2005 (Age Structure of Population, 2006). This means that old people will increase in the future, whereas the birth rate will decrease in the future. As a result, the Canadian government will need intensive preparation for old people in the future, because Canada is becoming an aging society. There are some ways like good medical benefits for old people, welfare facilities for old people, and regular occupations for old people. Therefore, if the Canadian government considers these, Canada will have no problem from an aging society.
Age Structure of Population. (2006, June). Transport Canada. Economy- Demography. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://www.tc.gc.ca/pol/en/T-Facts3/main.asp?id=14&table=05-Table14&file=economy&Lang=&title=ECONOMY%20%20-%20Demography
Aging and the Canadian Population. (n.d.). About Canada. Retrieved July 28, 2007, from http://www.mta.ca/faculty/arts/canadian_studies/english/about/aging/
CIA World Factbook. (2007, April 17). Canada Age Structure. Indexmundi Web site. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://www.indexmundi.com/canada/age_structure.html
Fortin, P. (2006, July 17). The Baby Boomers' tab. CBC News. Retrieved july 29, 2007, from http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/canada2020/essay-fortin.html
Gleberzon, B., and Cutler, J. (2007). Embrace the Aging of Canada: "It's a good thing!" Canada's Association for the Fifty Plus. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from http://www2.carp.ca/display.cfm?cabinetID=263&libraryID=70&documentID=2575
Harper, S. (2004, March). Ageing Society. The Oxford Magazine. Retrieved July 30, 2007, from http://www.globalaging.org/elderrights/world/2004/ageing.htm
Ljunggren, D. (2007, July 17). Aging Population Poses Problem for Canada. Reuters Canada. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from 17T155815Z_01_N17215147_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-AGING-COL.XML
Vassallo, M. (2000). Challenges of an Ageing Society Canada. Maltamigration Web site. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from http://www.maltamigration.com/about/foma/convention2000/full/topic3e.shtml
2007년 7월 24일 화요일
Aging Society
July 25, 2007
Thesis: The Canada’s government should carefully consider what to do for old people of the future.
I. Introduce
A. History or transition about Canada’ age structure.
B. Aging society is on issue by age structure.
C. The Canada’s government should carefully consider what to do for old people of the future.
1. Canada has good medical benefit for old people.
2. Canada makes good places for old people.
3. Canada offers a regular occupation for old people.
II. Background
A. What is Canadian Age Structure?
1. CIA World Factbook (2007). Canada age structure. Indexmundi Web site.
B. What is the problem
1. Vassallo, M. (2000). Challenges of an Ageing Society Canada. Maltamigration.
C. What is the controversy about?
1. A lot of old people live in Canada.
2. Aging society influences an advantage or disadvantage
economically in Canada.
3. What will happen in Canada of the future?
III. Main Arguments
A. The Canadian government should give old people a medical benefit.
1. The government offers a little free treatment.
2. Old people have to receive a periodic medical check-up.
3. The government is received low insurance value by old people.
B. The Canadian government should make more old people’s welfare facilities for old people.
1. The government makes some rooms that old people spend a time or take a break time.
2. The government helps old people who do not move alone.
3. Old people can have the home care.
C. The Canadian government should give old people a regular occupation after they are retrained for skilled positions.
1. Young people shrink a burden for a tax.
2. Old people can help the government economically.
3. The government can shrink the pension system.
D. Many old people do not help Canada.
1. Ljunggren, D. (2007). Aging Population Poses Problem for
Canada. Reuters Canada.
IV. Conclusion
A. Three reasons.
B. Canadian government should consider old people.
C. Restatement of thesis.
Age Structure of Canada
Research Paper Proposal
July 23, 2007
I became interested in Canadian age structure after reading several articles and a book about it. When I found this topic, I thought that it was my topic because the age structure is related to population. Canadian age structure “provides the distribution of the population according to age. Information is included by sex and age group (0-14 years, 15-64 years, 65 years and over)” (CIA World Factbook, 2007, para. 2). The problem is “one in seven Canadians was 65 or older, and the number of people reaching retirement was at a record high” (Ljunggren, 2007, para. 2). According to age structure of the population (2006), we can know how to move the age structure from 1961 to 2005. In an aging society, there are many problems. “With the high cost of living, it does become increasingly difficult to maintain a decent lifestyle, despite government aid, if one does not plan ahead. These additional expenses may cause hardships for seniors who live on a limited monthly income” (Vassallo, 2000, para. 8). However, there is a disagreement about this problem. Some people say that the fact that there are many old people proves that the society is a developed country. “To determine the impact of the aging boomers, let’s begin with the health care system. According to many health economists, the annual increase in health care costs caused by the aging of the population will range from 1 to 2 %, which they deem “manageable”” (Gleberzon and Cutler, 2007, para. 5). In fact, this age structure plays an important role because we can know a lot of information from the age structure in cultural, political, and economic aspects.
In my paper, I plan on writing that three things should be done about protection of old people in Canada because old people will be increasing. Canadian government should offer several more benefits for old people. First, the government should give old people a medical benefit. Second, the government should make more old people’s welfare facilities for old people. Finally, the government should give old people a regular occupation after they are retrained for skilled positions. These are good ways for Canada or people.
I have found a variety of articles, a book and website that give background information and solutions. I should find more articles and websites because I still need a lot of information to support logically.
Age Structure of Population. (2006, June). Transport Canada. Economy- Demography. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://www.tc.gc.ca/pol/en/T-Facts3/main.asp?id=14&table=05-Table14&file=economy&Lang=&title=ECONOMY%20%20-%20Demography
CIA World Factbook. (2007, April 17). Canada Age Structure. Indexmundi Web site. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://www.indexmundi.com/canada/age_structure.html
Gleberzon, B., Cutler, J. (2007). Embrace the Aging of Canada: "It's a good thing!" Canada's Association for the Fifty Plus. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from http://www2.carp.ca/display.cfm?cabinetID=263&libraryID=70&documentID=2575
Ljunggren, D. (2007, July 17). Aging Population Poses Problem for Canada. Reuters Canada. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://ca.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topnews&storyID=2007-07-17T155815Z_01_N17215147_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-AGING-COL.XML
Vassallo, M. (2000). Challenges of an Ageing Society Canada. Maltamigration Web site. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from http://www.maltamigration.com/about/foma/convention2000/full/topic3e.shtml
2007년 7월 15일 일요일
The Increase of Immigrants
Summary and Response #2
In Maxim Jean-Louis’s article, “Immigrants are Canada's Future,” the author states that today Canada has the highest rate of immigration in the world. The author also means that the Canadian population will show a tendency to increase from now on. Next, the author discusses whether the increase of immigrants brings benefits or damages in Canada. The author states that some immigrants have poor language skills. It is one of the problems, so the government is offering to help the language skills of immigrants. In addition, the author claims that multiculturalism can influence good advantages economically by immigrants. Lastly, the author states that Canada has to make a special public establishment and valuable educational facilities for immigrants. It is clear that Canada’s immigrants are necessary because Canada needs the high population.
First, when people immigrate to another country, they have to go with their family because of the increase of the population. It means that if there are many young couples, population will increase because of their children. On the other hand, if single people immigrate to another country, maybe they will think about their success without marriage. Then, this situation brings an aging society. However, if single people think about a marriage, this problem will not matter. Therefore, many groups of the family should immigrate into the country to increase the population.
Secondly, if there are many immigrants, they will help economic development. Canada’s government can easily obtain much manpower from low wages. It means that an employer can employ people cheaply. Immigrants’ money will also help and solve economic problems. Then, Canada will become a fast-growing economy. Therefore, Canada should admit more foreign people.
Finally, the problem of racial discrimination should shrink in Canada because of many immigrants. It should become like Brazil’s system. According to the Commission on Human Rights (GlèlèAhanhanzo, 1995), “Racism does not exist in Brazil. Brazil is the country with the second largest number of Blacks in the world, after Nigeria. Brazil is a multiracial country and a multiracial democracy; it is not like the United States, or like South Africa under apartheid; it has no tradition of racial hatred” (Para. 28). It means that Canada will be a good country for non-white people to live without distinction. Then, more immigrants will immigrate to Canada than now. Therefore, Canada’s population will increase continually.
In conclusion, these reasons will help to make the increase of the population in Canada. However, if a government does not think about these reasons, Canada’s population shortage will continue to get worse. Therefore, Canada should have a lot of immigrants for Canada’s economy and Canada should know what they have to do about immigrants.
Jean-Louis, M. (2007, March 17). Immigrants are Canada's Future. Sudbury Star. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from LexisNexis.
GlèlèAhanhanzo, M. (1995, January 23). Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Third Decade to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination. Retrieved July 16, 2007, from http://www1.umn.edu/humanrts/commission/country52/72-add1.htm
2007년 7월 11일 수요일
A Shrinking Population
Summary and Response #1
In Neil Reynolds’s article, “The Incredible Shrinking Country,” the author states that Canada’s population is projected to decrease. The population of other countries is also dwindling. First, the author argues that there are two reasons that we should care that Canada’s population will implode in the world. Secondly, the author discusses what to do for the protection of a shrinking population. Next, the author says that low fertility rates will get worse, so governments will be expected to care for impoverished people. In addition, the fertility rates of minority immigrant women come close to the Canadian average. Finally, the author asserts that the Planned Parenthood Federation will expedite the birth rate for population growth. It is clear that Canada’s population will decrease if immigrants do not immigrate to Canada, because immigrants help Canada’s population. There are some reasons for shrinking Canada’s population.
First of all, there are a lot of old people, but there are not people who work in Canada. This means that the percentage of old people is increasing. If this problem goes on continually, the percentage of old people's population above 65 will be double what it is now. Namely, one person out of 4 people is above 65 years-old. The growing very old population's medical expenses and the pension system impose a heavy burden on people. It is a truth that the people who have a heavy burden for these old people are reducing little by little. For example, there is a school, but there is not a teacher, or there is a hospital but there are no doctors or a nurse who takes care of patients. If it becomes an opposition situation, Canada will not become the heaven of the old people.
Secondly, the number of women who bear children will be shrinking in Canada. The women make a great point of their work more than bearing their babies, because of the increase in adequate opportunities for a working woman. It is also an important factor in a birthrate that the relationship in conjugal relations is given a great deal of weight. New immigrants also would rather have a good job than have more babies. Therefore Canada cannot increase its population.
Finally, immigrants come to Canada and Canadians leave Canada for other countries. Some immigrants in the world move to Canada, but people who are born in Canada go to other places to find their opportunity. It means that when 4 immigrants come in Canada, one Canadian goes out to another country. The reasons Canadians leave in Canada are work and money. In fact, if the times are good, people will come crowding in.
In conclusion, these reasons make some problems in Canada because it brings low Canada’s population. If low Canada’s population continues, we can guess what will happen economically. Therefore, Canadian government offers good solutions for these problems. If the solutions make good Canada, Canada’s population will increase in number.
Reynolds, N. (2007, January 19). The Incredible Shrinking Country. The Globe and Mail, a division of CYV globemedia Publishing Inc. Retrieved July 11, 2007, from LexisNexis.
2007년 7월 9일 월요일
The Best Place for Children
Argument Essay #1
According to Kate Ashford, Carolyn Bigda, Tara Kalwarski, Sarah Max and Donna Rosato (2006),“When it comes to a place to live and raise a family, most Americans want two things: the opportunity for themselves and their children to prosper, and a quality of life that lets them enjoy the fruits of their work” (para. 1). It means people think about what kind of environment is important for their children. What kinds of places are best for children to grow up in? The best place for children is one that is safe and comfortable, with an environment of a peaceful family, and in which parents put children’s education first.
First, the way of education helps children for their life. It means people who learn a lot of knowledge can live their life easily in society. A course of study is very important for people because it influences the foundation of life. In addition, most parents will feel better about their children if they have a good education. Therefore, children need to get education for best living.
Secondly, good places, which are safe and comfortable, make benefits for children to grow up. A government offers safe facilities for children, for example, a park, or a place that is a room for singing songs. There is a way that parents make a good room for their children. For example, parents decorate a room with flowers or toys. It also can affect the children.
Third, children’s cultures of aesthetic sentiments appear in their peaceful family. This means that harmony of family is very important. In some bad cases, when parents have divorce, and a single parent brings up their children, or children do not have parents, these problems have a negative influence on children. Therefore, the role of the family is also important for children.
Some people say that excitement is more important than a safe environment. This can bring a bad situation because children who hear bad environments, peer pressure and no protection, get into trouble easily. Therefore, the best place needs to offer children the opportunity to live in a good environment. There are some solutions about good places. “So for this year's installment of Best Places to Live, we set out to find small livable cities that had the best possible blend of good jobs, low crime, quality schools, plenty of open space, rational home prices and lots to do” (Ashford, Bigda, Kalwarski, Max, and Rosato, 2006, para. 2). In fact, children should be received in a good environment by their parents and by society.
In conclusion, most parents and a government have to offer these benefits for children in society. So, the way of education for children, good places that are safe and comfortable, and a peaceful family are very important. Therefore, good environment influences children.
Ashford, K., Bigda, C., Kalwarski, T., Max, S., and Rosato, D. (2006, July 18). Best Places to Live. Retrieved July 6, 2007 from
2007년 7월 5일 목요일
7 Fluency Exercises
Fluency Ex. #1
My parents have always taught me a lot of wisdom. One kind of wisdom is truth. There are a few reasons why truth is an important thing for me. It appears in my inside or outside when I say the truth. In addition, truth can never hide itself. If I have some problem, when it is not my fault, truth will not sell me down the river at this time. When I was in high school, my friend misunderstood me about my score. I never lied about my score to my friend. This score is a very important thing to both my friend and me. After a few days, truth was made clear because of my wisdom. Therefore, my parents taught me the value of truth.
Fluency Ex. #2
After I finish all classes, I usually spend a little time for myself. There are some kinds of my favorite activities. My favorite outdoor activities are playing a piano, playing the flute, watching a movie, and using the Internet for homework and excitement at home. I often spend time without my friend, but when I cannot take great pleasure alone, sometimes I share my joy with my friends. The best weather is heavy rain and a cloud for my favorite activity. Most of this weather makes my feeling go from excitement to depression, so I need to change something. When I feel depression, I make my feeling better by playing a piano. On the other hand, I spend all time on my homework. It makes me crazy.
Dan-gun Mythology
Fluency Ex. #3
Long time ago, there were people who were called primitive men in Korea. In story, two animals have become people. People lived in the sky. Our Father, art in Heaven, sent his son to the ground. The son, who was called Dan-gun, lived on the ground. When he lived, only animals lived there. In addition, his father made him from a person to a tiger. He met a bear. His father talked to him in a dream. His father said, “You will get married with a bear. Then, you will live in a cave together a bear.” He obeyed his father’s a command. They ate only garlic and wormwood for 2 years. Then, they became two separate humans. A tiger was made a man and a bear was made a woman. Therefore, they are primitive people.
Fluency Ex. #4
My uncle’s family and my aunt’s family immigrated into the United States 40 years ago. My uncle’s family is living in Illinois and my aunt’s family is living in Las Vegas. My uncle is an intelligent man and a wise man. Before he and his wife came to the U.S.A., they were Seoul University students. Seoul University is the best university in Korea. They were students sent abroad at state expense, so they decided to immigrate into the United States. They wanted to study their major continually for their success in the U.S.A. They succeeded in their life but they were not amply satisfied. The reason is their children. My cousins were born in the United States. They know a little Korean. When they were children, their mother did not teach Korean to their children. Their mother thought that it was the best way. However, when I came here, my cousins and I could not understand each other because of the different languages. They are Korean but their way of thinking is American. In such a case, my elder aunt thinks that it is bad for us. However, my uncle and uncle’s wife have never regretted immigrating. They feel very comfortable and safe about their home.
Je Ju Do
Fluency Ex. #5
The most romantic place is to have a honeymoon the Je Ju Island. Je Ju is the beautiful island and is a very famous place in Korea. It is near my hometown, which is Busan. In addition, my parents went to Je Ju when they got married. My parents had their honeymoon in Je Ju. Je Ju was known as stone, women, and wind. It was called ‘Sam Da.’ It means that there are many stones, women, and wind. There are a lot of stones that we can never see. Women mean that it is beautiful and a woman diver who works in the sea. Lastly, wind means that Je Ju is a good place for living because of the influence of the prevailing westerlies. Therefore, Je Ju is a wonderful place. If I get married, I will go to Je Ju Island because there are many sights, many flowers, and many horses. If I touch the stone, I can have a boy baby. It is a tradition.
Fluency Ex. #6
Young people think about a marriage and a divorce easily. Many couples get married in a day, but many couples also divorce in a day. This phenomenon usually occurs in the young generation. It is a big problem. When men and women become a definite age, they have to get married. I think that when men are over 28 years-old, and when women are over 25 years-old, they get married. If they get married at a young age, their parents may take care of them economically because young people only think about love without the future. Of course, it is not the only problem but it is one of the biggest problems.
Men and women view marriage from a different standpoint. Men usually want to find a beautiful and kind woman for marriage. Women usually want to find a handsome and rich man for marriage. In my case, I want to get married to a man who is kind, wise, and rich. Anyway, I like a man who only thinks about me and guarantees his future.
Advice for CESL
Fluency Ex. #7
The program of CESL is very good because CESL is a systematic program. In my case, when I came here at first, I was very nervous because I could not hear anything, and I could not speak anything. I just said, “Hello! My name is Hyuna, Shim.” However, when I started to learn English in CESL, I was able to reduce the nervous feelings until now. In addition, I learned diverse subjects, and I got a lot of information about the United States. CESL helps the students who want to enter SIUC. I want to go to SIUC too. However, one part is not good. It is that the schedule has such rigid regulations. Therefore, foreign students cannot study for the TOEFL. I think that if CESL considers this part, CESL will be better than now.
2007년 4월 30일 월요일
Peer Pressure ( #4 )
I looked for this site about peer pressure. This site talk us about what peer pressure. The author says a peer is a friend or acquaintance in the same age group as children. Also, pressure from children’ peers can be negative or positive. In addition, teenagers tend to find the advice of their friends, or peers. There are some reasons why teens give into peer pressure. First, some children give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in with their friend. Another reason is fear of being teased or becoming unpopular if they don’t go along with the group. Finally, peer pressure can be extremely strong and hard to resist. The author states parents have to play an important role. Lastly, the author says how to help teenagers deal with peer pressure.
2. I agree with the author about peer pressure. I think this situation occur adolescent teenagers. I talk example. In my friend’s case, my friend went to high school in the U.S.A. Before he left in Korea, he did not smoke. After 3 years, he visited in Korea. So I met him. His behavior was changed by something. While he met me, he have a smoking continually. I asked him, “How did you learn smoking?” He talked me, “my friends almost have a smoking, so I learned it.” I did not understand about that but now I think it was peer pressure. I want to say it that peer pressure can influence negative or positive in according to situation.
2007년 4월 21일 토요일
Children With No Socialization ( #3 )
It’s that to a country home, to a foster-home, to a school for defective children. According to the New York Times for February 6, 1938, a girl was tied to an old chair in a storage room on the second floor in a farm home. This situation was that the child was illegitimate.
2. When I visited this site, I didn’t understand about it. In case of the girl, Anna, she was deprived by in society because she was not taken care, spoken, taught by anyone. So Anna’ parents did not have a responsibility for Anna. I think that most parents were under an obligation to take care of their children. If I was Anna, maybe I will not be normal person because I was unable to talk and move. On the other hands, if I was Anna’ mother or father, I will be concerned about my children and will try to become good person for my children.
2007년 4월 8일 일요일
Alternative Forms of Marriage Polyandry ( #2 )
2. There are two reasons why I choose this site. I separated merits and demerits. First, merits are the women have many babies and the men can radiate sexual desire. Second, demerits are the women will become erasure their personal rights. Strange problem will occur. For example, the baby who born in this situation will not know their father. the rate which occur unusual babies will be also high. In conclusion, I think ployandry has to disappear in society.
2007년 4월 2일 월요일
Alternatives to Marriage ( #1 )
1. I went to Alternatives to Marriage. This is statistics such as Living
Together, Living Alone, Unmarried childbearing and parenting etc.
I can find data which the number of unmarried couples living
together increased than the past. Today’s household type is living
alone in the U.S. Most of women who are unmarried have babies
under 18 living in them or in cohabiting couples. Americans who
work about U.S. Census Bureau made these. In case of More about
unmarried different-sex couples, 50% of different-sex cohabitors
get married but other 40% break up that same period. The rest of
10% people have been living together for more than five years.
2. When I read this article, I could think several things about today’s
alternatives to marriage. If the couple were living together without
marrying, I would think it was bad behavior. However, my thinking
was wrong. In the past, this situation couldn’t occur in my country
but today’s culture may be possible like U.S. I don’t think that most
of people have to get married because they can accept living together
without marrying. Living alone also have a benefit. Nevertheless,
if the couple have babies without marrying, I’ll think wrong.
Finally this also will cause problem in the society.
2007년 2월 21일 수요일
Agree or Disagree

"this book was excellent...I can see why it sold millions of copies."-"Mica"
There are 3 reasons that I agree with this sentence. First, 'The Horse Whisperer' is the number one bestseller because most people read this book. Second, people who appear in this book whether it was person or horse didn't give up. It shows me a hope. Last, this book gave me a precept. If someone asks me, "What precept have you learned?", I will tell someone. A precept is, 'If you get over your pain, will come happiness'. In conclusion, this book was excellent.
2007년 2월 14일 수요일
My opinion and thinking

Q2. Yes, I think so too. "Going a long way from home, and into a new and different environment, has helped both Grace and Annie grow and understand themselves better." I agree about this sentence. If I was placed the same Grace and Annie, I would have a little different situation. In a few ways I'd be similar to them, but I would have changed in specific personality because of the environment around me. So, I would have to lose bad memories to escape the past.
2007년 2월 13일 화요일
About Grace
