2007년 4월 21일 토요일

Children With No Socialization ( #3 )

1. I read this site http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-9602%28194001%2945%3A4%3C554%3AESIOAC%3E2.0.CO%3B2-7&size=LARGE. This site tell me about eatreme social isolation of a child. This site tell about extreme social isolation of a child. There was a girl who was discovered incarcerated in an upstairs room. She was physically malnourished and apathetic as well as mentally blank. What did she improve very slowly?
It’s that to a country home, to a foster-home, to a school for defective children. According to the New York Times for February 6, 1938, a girl was tied to an old chair in a storage room on the second floor in a farm home. This situation was that the child was illegitimate.

2. When I visited this site, I didn’t understand about it. In case of the girl, Anna, she was deprived by in society because she was not taken care, spoken, taught by anyone. So Anna’ parents did not have a responsibility for Anna. I think that most parents were under an obligation to take care of their children. If I was Anna, maybe I will not be normal person because I was unable to talk and move. On the other hands, if I was Anna’ mother or father, I will be concerned about my children and will try to become good person for my children.

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