2007년 7월 24일 화요일

Age Structure of Canada

Research Paper Proposal
July 23, 2007

I became interested in Canadian age structure after reading several articles and a book about it. When I found this topic, I thought that it was my topic because the age structure is related to population. Canadian age structure “provides the distribution of the population according to age. Information is included by sex and age group (0-14 years, 15-64 years, 65 years and over)” (CIA World Factbook, 2007, para. 2). The problem is “one in seven Canadians was 65 or older, and the number of people reaching retirement was at a record high” (Ljunggren, 2007, para. 2). According to age structure of the population (2006), we can know how to move the age structure from 1961 to 2005. In an aging society, there are many problems. “With the high cost of living, it does become increasingly difficult to maintain a decent lifestyle, despite government aid, if one does not plan ahead. These additional expenses may cause hardships for seniors who live on a limited monthly income” (Vassallo, 2000, para. 8). However, there is a disagreement about this problem. Some people say that the fact that there are many old people proves that the society is a developed country. “To determine the impact of the aging boomers, let’s begin with the health care system. According to many health economists, the annual increase in health care costs caused by the aging of the population will range from 1 to 2 %, which they deem “manageable”” (Gleberzon and Cutler, 2007, para. 5). In fact, this age structure plays an important role because we can know a lot of information from the age structure in cultural, political, and economic aspects.

In my paper, I plan on writing that three things should be done about protection of old people in Canada because old people will be increasing. Canadian government should offer several more benefits for old people. First, the government should give old people a medical benefit. Second, the government should make more old people’s welfare facilities for old people. Finally, the government should give old people a regular occupation after they are retrained for skilled positions. These are good ways for Canada or people.

I have found a variety of articles, a book and website that give background information and solutions. I should find more articles and websites because I still need a lot of information to support logically.


Age Structure of Population. (2006, June). Transport Canada. Economy- Demography. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://www.tc.gc.ca/pol/en/T-Facts3/main.asp?id=14&table=05-Table14&file=economy&Lang=&title=ECONOMY%20%20-%20Demography

CIA World Factbook. (2007, April 17). Canada Age Structure. Indexmundi Web site. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://www.indexmundi.com/canada/age_structure.html

Gleberzon, B., Cutler, J. (2007). Embrace the Aging of Canada: "It's a good thing!" Canada's Association for the Fifty Plus. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from http://www2.carp.ca/display.cfm?cabinetID=263&libraryID=70&documentID=2575

Ljunggren, D. (2007, July 17). Aging Population Poses Problem for Canada. Reuters Canada. Retrieved July 23, 2007, from http://ca.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topnews&storyID=2007-07-17T155815Z_01_N17215147_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-AGING-COL.XML

Vassallo, M. (2000). Challenges of an Ageing Society Canada. Maltamigration Web site. Retrieved July 24, 2007, from http://www.maltamigration.com/about/foma/convention2000/full/topic3e.shtml

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