2007년 2월 21일 수요일

Agree or Disagree

"this book was excellent...I can see why it sold millions of copies."-"Mica"

There are 3 reasons that I agree with this sentence. First, 'The Horse Whisperer' is the number one bestseller because most people read this book. Second, people who appear in this book whether it was person or horse didn't give up. It shows me a hope. Last, this book gave me a precept. If someone asks me, "What precept have you learned?", I will tell someone. A precept is, 'If you get over your pain, will come happiness'. In conclusion, this book was excellent.

2007년 2월 14일 수요일

My opinion and thinking

Q1. After the accident happened, it was true that Grace and Annie grew. I think Grace and Annie are made stronger by Tom. In spite of the fact that Grace lost her right leg after the accident, she was stronger than before the accident. Annie was changed a lot. Most of all, they are made strong because they have a view to rescue Pilgrim. I also think all problems are changed by how to switch a solution. It is a very difficult question.

Q2. Yes, I think so too. "Going a long way from home, and into a new and different environment, has helped both Grace and Annie grow and understand themselves better." I agree about this sentence. If I was placed the same Grace and Annie, I would have a little different situation. In a few ways I'd be similar to them, but I would have changed in specific personality because of the environment around me. So, I would have to lose bad memories to escape the past.

2007년 2월 13일 화요일

About Grace

My favorite character is Grace. There are a few reasons why I choose Grace. First, she is a heroine and likes to ride her horse. After the accident happened, second, she was changed a bit and had only one leg. There are one of the reasons she changed. Third, she refused to ride her horse, but was unchanged in her mind for her horse. In conclusion, I think she is an important character because she didn't give up her horse.
by Hyuna